Given a list of words and an integer k, return the top k frequent words in the list.
Example 1:
"yes", "lint", "code",
"yes", "code", "baby",
"you", "baby", "chrome",
"safari", "lint", "code",
"body", "lint", "code"
k = 3
Output: ["code", "lint", "baby"]
Example 2:
"yes", "lint", "code",
"yes", "code", "baby",
"you", "baby", "chrome",
"safari", "lint", "code",
"body", "lint", "code"
k = 4
Output: ["code", "lint", "baby", "yes"]
Do it in O(nlogk) time and O(n) extra space.
You should order the words by the frequency of them in the return list, the most frequent one comes first. If two words has the same frequency, the one with lower alphabetical order come first.
public class Solution { /** * @param words: an array of string * @param k: An integer * @return: an array of string */ public String[] topKFrequentWords(String[] words, int k) { // write your code here String[] ans = new String[k]; if (words == null || words.length == 0) { return ans; } // step 1: do the freq count Map<String, Integer> wordToCountMap = new HashMap<>(); for (String word : words) { int count = wordToCountMap.getOrDefault(word, 0); count += 1; wordToCountMap.put(word, count); } // step 2: use a min-heap to get the top k PriorityQueue<Pair> minHeap = new PriorityQueue<>(new MyPairComparator()); for (String word : wordToCountMap.keySet()) { int count = wordToCountMap.get(word); minHeap.offer(new Pair(word, count)); if (minHeap.size() > k) { minHeap.poll(); } } // step 3: poll the top k from the min heap int i = 0; while (!minHeap.isEmpty()) { ans[i++] = minHeap.poll().word; } // step 4: reverse the ans Collections.reverse(Arrays.asList(ans)); return ans; } } class Pair { String word; int count; public Pair(String word, int count) { this.word = word; this.count = count; } } class MyPairComparator implements Comparator<Pair> { @Override public int compare(Pair a, Pair b) { if (a.count - b.count != 0) { return a.count - b.count; } return b.word.compareTo(a.word); } }
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